What Causes Flat FeetHealthy, secure relationships are, in the words of Dr. Sue Johnson, like “a tranquilizer to the nervous system” that calms us, deepens the meaning of our lives, and helps us maintain our physical and mental health. Sometimes, a licensed professional counselor is the best option for married couples who want to get closer and work on any relationship issues that may be present in their partnership.

Here at Cognitive Behavior Institute's Center for Marriage and Family (CMF), we provide a wide range of relationship-oriented counseling services which draw from evidence-based models of practice, including couples therapy. In addition to using these evidence-based models, our clinicians have a wealth of experience and have received cutting-edge training on how to promote stronger family and community connections.

When treating couples, we draw from a model of couples counseling that has developed out of 40 years of research by Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Julie Gottman. Our marriage counselors have received training and supervision in the Gottman method, which focuses on helping couples to develop practical relationship skills that will allow them to thrive as a couple and eradicate patterns of interaction that are relationship busters.

Here's some further information on the Gottman method, as well as 10 signs that your marriage might benefit from counseling with a couples therapist who has extensive experience:

What Is the Gottman Method?

The Gottman Method of marriage counseling seeks to help both partners understand each other better by fostering healthy communication, teaching couples how to resolve conflicts productively, and helping them develop a secure bond that can withstand any changes down the line.

This model focuses on bringing respect and appreciation back into a relationship while creating an environment where difficult conversations can still be had without creating animosity. Through these methods, Gottman marriage counseling aims to create lasting results so couples have the skills they need to tackle issues as they come up and sustain a healthy connection with one another.

When is it Time for Marriage Counseling?

Here are ten signs that the Gottman method of couples therapy with a licensed professional counselor might help your marriage become healthier:

  • Chronic Conflict

    Couples who are constantly arguing with no constructive resolution in sight might benefit from Gottman counseling, which focuses on teaching couples how to communicate more productively and effectively.

  • Lack of Communication or Interest

    When couples avoid talking about their relationship, communication can become stalled and the marriage can suffer. Gottman counseling can help restore meaningful discussion and foster understanding between partners.

  • Feeling Unappreciated

    Couples who feel taken for granted by their partner often don’t recognize that mutual appreciation is a key factor in a healthy marriage. Gottman counseling can teach couples the importance of showing appreciation for each other and how to express it authentically.

  • Unresolved Anger or Resentment

    Feelings of anger and resentment that have not been addressed lead to tension between partners, which can be damaging if left unresolved. Gottman counseling encourages couples to discuss their feelings in order to learn how to resolve conflicts constructively and forgive past hurts.

  • Demanding Too Much From Each Other

    When one person puts too many expectations on the other, it creates an unbalanced relationship dynamic that can cause distress over time if left unchecked. The techniques taught in Gottman counseling can help couples find balance in their relationship expectations while also offering support during times of need.

  • Lack of Respect

    Disrespectful language or behaviors create a hostile environment where both people’s needs are not met and trust breaks down quickly. Gottman counseling teaches couples how to put respect back into the relationship while still navigating difficult conversations without becoming argumentative or accusatory.

  • Growing Apart Over Time

    It’s normal for relationships to change over time as individuals evolve and grow, but when those changes prevent you from connecting, it could be time for outside intervention. Gottman therapy can offer insight into creating a secure bond between partners that is built to successfully weather life's changes.

  • Struggling With Intimacy

    If difficulties with physical or emotional intimacy are preventing you from being close to one another, a trained couples therapist can help. Gottman counseling focuses on restoring closeness and mutual understanding between partners through techniques designed to cultivate safety, trust, and connection.

  • Unhelpful Mindsets & Patterns of Behavior

    Negative mindsets such as perfectionism or negative patterns of behavior such as avoidance can impede progress toward a closer connection. In the safe space created during Gottman counseling, couples can explore these issues together and find ways to counteract them.

  • Uncertainty About the Future

    When a relationship feels uncertain or unstable, couples may start to feel anxious about their future and become unsure of how to move forward. Gottman counseling helps partners create a solid plan for the future while also working on communication skills needed to progress in their relationship.

Visit the Top Family Therapist in Pittsburgh, PA

The Center for Marriage and Family (CMF) was created in the Fall of 2016 as an extension of the Cognitive Behavior Institute to help couples and families of all shapes and sizes to have healthier, more satisfying relationships.

If you and your partner are experiencing any of the signs above and know it may be time to seek outside help, you can trust the experienced professionals at CMF and Cognitive Behavior Institute. We can provide you with family therapy services and the support you need to foster a healthier relationship.

To learn more about our program, contact us here. If you'd like to see more articles on family and couples counseling from our team, check out our other blogs!